T. W. Ogg Elementary

T. W. Ogg Elementary
T. W. Ogg Elementary School

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Thing #3-Going back to question in Thing #2

Of the 7 1/2 habits of a lifelong learner, I find that habits 1 and 2 are the easiest for me. I can easily see what I want to accomplish, set goals to get there, and jump right in by taking responsibility for my learning whether it be signing up cake decorating classes or dancing in my very first dance recital at the age of 30-something (I did both of those this year). What I find most difficult are habits 3 and 4 (viewing problems as challenges and confidence). I usually go through stages (much like the grieving process) when a problem arises. First, I get frustrated and tell someone about my troubles. Second, I panic and have an emotional melt-down because I can't figure out how to fix the problem or go around. Third, I realize how ridiculous I am acting and tell myself to get over it. Finally, I move on, and most of the time everything turns out just fine. About the lack of confidence, I usually have plenty when I am goal setting and planning my strategy to accomplish the goal. My confidence begins to slip when I realize how daunting the tasks truly are. Then I get it back when I realize that I am smarted and more talented than I give myself credit. After I get past habits 3 and 4, the rest come fairly easily, and I begin to enjoy the task at hand.

1 comment:

  1. ok, we have to find ways to get you past some of this stress...1. no one knows everything anymore...librarians know a little about a lot of things so you don't have to be "perfect"! :-)
    we all used to think we had to be ...had to know all the answers. Throw the problem out there and challenge the kids to help you find the solution...and often they will...and by being engaged... they learn even more!
